Proceedings & Publication


All papers accepted of ICACTCE’24 Conference (after double-blinded peer review) will be published as proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems LNNS (Scopus Indexed).


Selected top papers will be invited to submit an extended full paper to many Reputed and Indexed Journals.


Standard Publication :


Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Scopus indexed)

Tech Science Press Journal of Artificial Intelligence

EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities

Tech Science Press Journal on Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence and Applications


Gold Open Access (APC fees applicable with possible discounts and waivers) :


Sensors (Scopus indexed, IF = 3.9)

Sustainability (Scopus indexed, IF = 3.9)

Systems (Scopus indexed, IF = 1.9)

Environment and Social Psychology (Scopus indexed) 

Discover Computing (Scopus indexed)
